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1.) LISTEN⇨ BTC001: Bitcoin Common Misconceptions w/ Robert Breedlove & Preston Pysh" (The Investor's Podcast)
2.) READ⇨ What is Money, Anyway (Lyn Alden)
3.) READ⇨ Why Buy Bitcoin (Andy Edstrom)
4.) LISTEN⇨ BCB024_CROESUS: Bitcoin, A Once In A Species Discovery
5.) READ⇨ The Bitcoin Standard (Saifedean Ammous)
6.) READ⇨ Inventing Bitcoin (Yan Pritzker)
7.) READ⇨ Bitcoin is Time (Gigi)
8.) READ⇨ The Bitcoin Whitepaper (Satoshi Nakamoto)
9.) WATCH⇨ How The Economic Machine Works In 30 Minutes (Ray Dalio)
10.) READ ⇨ The Conclusion of the Long Term Debt Cycle and the Rise of Bitcoin (Dylan LeClair)
11.) READ⇨ Why Dumb Networks Are Better (Andreas Antonopoulos)
12.) READ⇨ Bitcoin First (Fidelity Digital Assets)
13.) READ⇨ Proof of Stake and Stablecoins: A Blockchain Centralization Dilemma (Lyn Alden)
14.) READ⇨ 7 Misconceptions About Bitcoin (Lyn Alden)
15.) READ⇨ Bitcoin's Energy Usage Isn't a Problem. Here's Why (Lyn Alden)
16.) READ⇨ A Progressive's Case for Bitcoin (Jason Maier)
17.) LISTEN⇨ Proof of Stake (PoS) Versus Proof of Work w/ Jason Lowery & Preston Pysh (The Investor's Podcast)
18.) Read⇨ A Look At The Lightning Network (Lyn Alden)
19.) READ⇨ Dear Crypto & Fiat Bros: An open letter to the confused and dismissive (Gigi)
20.) READ⇨ The Future Geopolitical Order And Bitcoin: An Initial Assessment (Matthew Pines)
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